Vogue – its such an mammoth institution when it comes to all things fashion.  Wayyy back when I was learning my craft it was always my dream to get an image in Vogue…..and then it finally happened.  Vogue Italia have a community called ‘Photovogue’ that is specifically for photographers. This is where they invite you to create an account and once a week you upload 2 images where they will consider publishing your frame and adding it to your profile.  For me personally I see it as a great way to boost my interest in my work life as a photographer. The weekly ritual of creating and uploading Vogue worthy images keeps pushing me outside my creative comfort zone which in turn makes me produce my best images.  Vogue are particularly picky and they definitely have a specific style that they like to publish, and once you have worked out how you can fit your style with theirs you have a greater chance on getting your images featured.

I’d like to say that every week when I submit my images to Photovogue, they are added straight away to my account….but they’re more often than not rejected.  I don’t take this personally, but instead I see this as a way to keep thinking outside the box and push myself to take photographs that I think will be accepted.  Is it as frustrating as heck?? – HELL YEAH!!  Despite this, the thrill of finding that one of your images has been selected is the ultimate photographers buzz.  At the time of writing this blog, I have had 5 images that have now been blessed with the infamous VOGUE logo. 


Skateboarding photography
Maternity photographer Essex

What does this mean for me?

PhotoVogue curates a pool of incredible image makers from around the world to create an international database of the most interesting voices in contemporary photography. In a nutshell….this gives me a greater chance of being discovered by the top dogs on an international scale.

It’s a way for Vogue to, nurture, and advance the careers of emerging and unrepresented artists while keeping a tight relationship with the mid-career artists that grew within the platform by giving them visibility and including them in different activities, propelling and advancing their careers.

PhotoVogue is both an archive and a platform for artists—from every background and region—to showcase their work worldwide.  This for me personally means that I can promote my work being associated with Vogue, which speaks volumes with regards to individual creativity along with international recognition. 

If you wanted to find my Photovogue profile, you can go onto https://www.vogue.com/photovogue and search up Sarah Dee Impey

If you’re a photographer and have been trying to have images published on Photovogue, my only advice would be to be consistent, keep on posting every week. Look at the type of images that are being chosen and try to incorporate your photography style to theirs. There are plenty of different categories and genres to choose from.




Why I Love Photographing Proms